Precision Analog/Digital Fiber Optic Links LTX-55XX
Datasheet: Precision Analog/Digital Fiber Optic Links LTX-55XX
The LTX-55XX Series of Signal Transports convert your analog and digital electronic signals over fiber for up to 10 kilometers. The LTX5510 and LTX5515 units carry 1 analog and up to 4 digital channels over a single fi ber and the LTX5520 and LTX5525 units carry up to 16 digital channels over a single fiber.
Analog signals are transmitted at 12 bit precision at up to 100 Ms/S, while digital signals are transmitted 0-48 Mbs per channel. The LTX5510 and the LTX5520 have transmission rates of 1.0Gb/s and the LTX5515 and the LTX5525 have transmission rates of 2.0Gb/s. The units may be used interchangeably for analog to digital or digital to analog conversion.
They are available in multi mode or single mode version for fi ber optic links exceeding 10 kilometers.
The LTX series is excellent for data acquisition for plasma physics experiments, signal transmission an control of equipment at high voltage potentials, operation through Faraday shields and offer a precise noise-free signal transmission in hostile EMI environments.
- Channel Capacity Up to 50 Mb/s
- Accept LVTTL and/or CMOS/TTL
- UP to 25 MHz Analog Bandwidth
- Analog Inputs of /-1V F.S or /-5V F.S.
- Transmit Up to 16 Digital Channels
- Analog Signal Digitized to 12 Bits Precision
- Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Conversion
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We invite all inquiries concerning your special measurement needs and/or OEM instrumentation that may be needed for incorporation into the user's final product.
Click Here To Download:Datasheet: Precision Analog/Digital Fiber Optic Links LTX-55XX